Part 1 | Part 2

In this post we will see how applicative programming can be used for implementing code in the Railway style using a gem applicative-rb.

Railway programming is a common patten for scenarios when you have a sequence of steps, which are executed in a given order. When everything is good—you get a successful result, if one step fails—you don’t perform the remaining ones and return the failure. In other words—it’s a fancy way of error–handling.

Imagine a service that process an order:

  • we deduct money from user account;
  • we check that the required item is in the stock;
  • we update order status.

This is how we can do it with a DSL similar to well–known dry-monads:

class ProcessOrder
  def initialize(order) = @order = order

  def perform
    result = ApplicationRecord.transaction do # start the transaction
      deduct_from_user_account.bind {
        prepare_shipment.bind { # we get here only when previous step returned success
      }.tap do |result|
        # rollback in case of failure
        raise if result.failure?


  def deduct_from_user_account
    if @order.user.balance > @order.amount
      # we return success without explanation
      # we return failure with the error message inside
      Left("cannot deduct #{@order.amount}, user has #{@order.user.balance}")

  def prepare_shipment
    @order.item_id == 42 ? Right() : Left("not enough items in warehouse")

  def update_order_status

To make things work each step should return either success (Right) or failure (Left). The behavior itself depends on the container: the decision what to do is made inside the #bind method.

Container Either

Let’s step away from the service object for now and focus on the container. The container is called Either, and it can be implemented in the following way:

class Either
  class Left < Either
    attr_reader :error

    def initialize(error) = @error = error
    def deconstruct = [@error]

  class Right < Either
    attr_reader :value

    def initialize(value) = @value = value
    def deconstruct = [@value]

Right means a successful result and might hold some value, Left means some failure with the error message inside. As you see, it’s very similar to well–known Maybe, but can hold a value inside.

Let’s see it in action, fetch_email is a method to get the email by user ID:

def fetch_email(user_id)
  if user_id == 42"")
  else"User #{user_id} not found")

def format_email(either_email)
  case either_email
  in Either::Right(email) # here we unpacked email string from the container"Email: #{email}") # here we pack new string back to the container
  in left
    left # return container as is

format_email(fetch_email(42)) # => #<Either::Right:… @value="Email:">
format_email(fetch_email(1)) # => #<Either::Left:… @error="User 1 not found">

How we work with the value inside the container? You have to unpack it if possible (there’s no need to change the error value), work with value and pack back.

Looks like there will be a lot of code where we pack and unpack things! Can we avoid it?


There is a nice abstraction for it called functor:

module Functor
  # (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
  def fmap(&_fn) = raise NotImplementedError

Functor interface has one function, we will call it fmap, like it’s called in Haskell. Ruby does not have types, so we cannot add a signature to the code. Let’s use a Haskell notation, since it’s pretty readable (a -> b) -> f a -> f b.


In other words, it should pass the function that transforms a value of type a to a value of type b. #fmap will call this function on the data in the container, which has a type f a (f is “functor”). As a result, a value of type f b will be returned.

Read more about Functors in my Haskell post

Here is the example implementation for Either:

class Either
  # ...

  include Functor
  def fmap(&fn)
    case self
    in Functor::Right(value) then Functor::Right(fn.curry.(value))
    in left then left

With this function format_email can be simplified:

def fetch_email(user_id)
  if user_id == 42"")
  else"User #{user_id} not found")

def format_email(either_email) = either_email.fmap { |email| "Email: #{email}" }

Proper functor should follow some rules:

  1. If identity (def identity(value) = value) is passed, than fmap should return value without changes;
  2. fmap (f . g) == fmap f . fmap g, where . is a composition of functions.

Applicative functors

This approach works great for functions with only one argument. But what if we two arguments or more? Thanks to curry, functions can take less arguments and return another function:

def sum(x, y) = x + y
# => #<Either::Right:... @value=#<Proc:... (lambda)>>

We can call this function with another argument and get the result: # => 43

How to make it more readable?

Applicative functor interface is the extension of Functor and contains two more methods:

  • pure that returns most simple container with value;
  • ^ takes the function from the first container and applies it to the value stored in the second container.

Applicative functors also have some laws, but they are a bit more complex so we will not discuss them here. Let’s assume that all the implementations in the post are valid.

This is how interface looks like:

module Applicative
  include Functor # applicative functor should have same methods as functor

  def self.included(klass)
    # a -> f a
    klass.extend( do
      def pure(_value) = raise NotImplementedError

  # a -> f a
  def pure(value) = self.class.pure(value)

  # f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
  def ^(_other) = raise NotImplementedError

Let’s try to use it for Either:

class Either
  # ...
  include Applicative

  def self.pure(value) =

  def ^(other)
    case self
    in Right(fn) then other.fmap(&fn)
    in left then left

Note that things will happen only if both containers are Right, otherwise it will just keep the error.

Let’s rewrite format_email one more time:

def format_email(either_email)
  add_label = lambda { |label, email| "#{label}: #{email}" }
  Either.pure(add_label) ^"Email") ^ either_email

Why is it useful? It makes curry “safe”, because we can describe a “golden path”. Error will be propagated because of the container semantics: we agreed that Left should be kept as is without changes. If you have some steps connected with ^ and one of them returns Left, all steps to the right won’t even happen and the Left will be returned.

If it’s stilly blurry—check out this post with pictures

However, there is a small downside: each argument for the function we want to curry safely (Either.pure(add_label)) should be calculated independently, because these calculations cannot see each other. This is what monads were invented for.


We discussed monads briefly in the beginning, and I could not stop myself from implementing monads from scratch. We are not going to dig dip into the theory, and jump right to the practice.

Unlike applicative functors, monads can access the data form the previous steps. In order to make something monad you need to implement only two methods return and bind:

module Monad
  include Applicative # monad should have same methods as applicative functor

  def self.included(klass)
    klass.extend( do
      # a -> m a
      def returnM(value) = pure(value)

  # m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
  def bind(&fn) = raise NotImplementedError

Check out the source here. As you see, returnM does the same thing as we did in Applicative#pure, while bind is more interesting: it accepts the block, calls it with the current value in the container (if it makes sense, as usual), and returns the result.

We will go with returnM cause return is a reserved word in Ruby

Compare signatures of Applicative#^ and Monad#bind:

  • Applicative#^: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
  • Monad#bind: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b.

Note the difference: in the Applicative#^ we applied a function inside the container to the value inside the container, while in Monad we pass the function to transform the unpacked value of type a to the value of type b packed to the container m.

Let’s see how to do it for Either:

class Either
  include Monad

  def bind(&fn)
    case self
    in Right(value) then fn.(value)
    in left then left

Let’s change fetch_email: now it can also return the invalid email, so we need to validate it before formatting:

def fetch_email(user_id)
  case user_id
  when 42 then Right("")
  when 666 then Right("invalid")
  else Left("User #{user_id} not found")

def validate(email)
  email.include?("@") ? Either::returnM(email) : Left("invalid email")

def format_email(email) = Right("Email: #{email}")

We can write a function that fetches and validates the email using the monad interface of Either:

def fetch_validate_and_format(user_id)
  fetch_email(user_id).bind { |email|
    # we get here only if `fetch_email` returned Right,
    # but email is a String, not Either!
    validate(email).bind { |validated_email|

fetch_validate_and_format(42) # => #<Either::Right:… @value="Email:">
fetch_validate_and_format(666) # => #<Either::Left:… @error="invalid email">
fetch_validate_and_format(1) # => #<Either::Left:… @error="User 1 not found">

Monads are kind of extension for Applicatives, and give us more features. Can we use them always? Not really, because it’s possible to create more applicatives than monads (check out this article to learn more on that).

Service object in applicative style

Let’s get back to the service objects. This is what we had in the beginning of the post:

class ProcessOrder
  include Dry::Monads[:result]

  def initialize(order) = @order = order

  def perform
    ApplicationRecord.transaction do
      deduct_from_user_account.bind {
        prepare_shipment.bind {
      }.tap { |result|
        raise if result.failure?


  def deduct_from_user_account
    # ...

  def prepare_shipment
    # ...

  def update_order_status
    # ...

Note that all three actions are completely independent, which makes it the ideal candidate for the applicative approach! Let’s update the service object itself:

class ProcessOrder < MultiStepService
  def initialize(order) = @order = order

  add_step :deduct_from_user_account
  add_step :prepare_shipment
  add_step :update_order_status

  def deduct_from_user_account
    # ...

  def prepare_shipment
    # ...

  def update_order_status
    # ...

Now we need to add the base class:

def identity(value) = value # the most helpful function ever
def Right(value = method(:identity)) = # but we need it to make application work
def Left(error = method(:identity)) =

class MultiStepService
  class << self
    def add_step(step) = steps << step

    def steps = @steps ||= []

  def perform
    ApplicationRecord.transaction do
        .reduce(Right()) { |result, step| result ^ send(step) }
        .on_error { |error| raise }

#add_step collects a list of methods to be called. #perform reduces steps using the Right() as the initial value. Right() holds the function that just returns a value passed to it (identity), which makes the application work: ^ will run steps until we execute them all or get the first error.

You can find the full example here.

So the only use of applicatives is error handling?

Nope! In this post we explored a single container called Either (and Maybe, because it’s almost the same thing), but there are many more data structures that can implement Functor and Applicative interfaces! Also, the implementation of the applicative functor that follows the laws can be either used as the argument of other functions or have some extensions (like Monad). These way of combining functions can lead us to more complex and interesting calculations.


Railway programming gives us a clearer way to handle errors: we describe a golden path and errors are handled by the external code in the predictable way. It is usually implemented using Either/Maybe monads, but we saw how to replace them with applicative functors in cases when steps are completely independent.

There is a common mistake to think that monads and applicative functors can be used only for that. In the next post we will see how different data structures can implement the Applicative interface and what interesting behavior they can provide to us.